The Principal, Character and Specification of GFH optic fiber valve position put forward by application of Optic Fiber sensing technology is introduced. 介绍了运用光纤传感技术研制的光纤阀位回讯器的工作原理、特点及技术性能。
Methods The automatic infusion alarm device was subtly reformed according to the principal of the character of the spring that the different gravity caused its length to be different. 方法:该输液自动报警器利用了弹簧受力拉升,不同质量的物体使弹簧长度改变不同的原理,巧妙地将弹簧秤进行了改装。
By applying principal component analysis and matrix computing, the dimensions of raw data can be reduced to grasp the principal character, It can solve the relational problem between process variables, besides, it can eliminate the measure noises. 利用主元分析方法,通过矩阵运算、降低维数以提取过程变量的主要特征,实现对工艺数据的压缩,既可解决过程变量间的相关问题,同时还有清除测量噪声的效果。
By the methods of principal component analysis, the contribution rate of each principal component character was used as weight; 利用主成分分析的方法,以各主成分特征贡献率为权重,加权计算各林地土壤肥力综合指标值。
Then principal component analysis ( PCA) is used to extract character features and estimate character ′ s reconstruction model. Character recognition is conducted based on reconstructed models ′ error analysis. 然后利用主分量分析法(PCA)抽取字符特征,估计字符的重建模型,并通过对重建模型的误差分析进行字符识别;
Principal Component Analysis the Effect of Treatments with HNO_2 on the Main Character of Pepper Germinating and Seedling Growing HNO2处理对辣椒发芽及苗期主要性状影响的主成分分析
It includes the data measurement, data processing, surface construct of Reverse Engineering and principal, type, character of Rapid prototyping and the integrate of RE& RP. 包括逆向工程中的数据测量、数据处理、曲面重构以及快速成型的原理、分类、特点等,以及RE和RP的集成。
Ear length, kernels per row, ear diameter and plant height were main principal decision characters and ear height was main restricted character. 穗长、行粒数、穗粗和株高是提高杂交组合(F1)单穗鲜重和单穗净重的主要决定性状,穗位高则是主要限制性状。
In the contract organization of government investment project, the incentive and restriction mechanism based on traditional principal agent theory has inevitable conflicts for the special character of government investment project. 对于政府投资项目契约组织中的政府业主而言,运用基于传统委托代理理论的激励约束机制对项目业主进行激励时存在着不可避免的矛盾。
Genetical correlation and principal component analysis on quantity character in upland cotton with the drought/ salt resistance and dwarf characters 抗旱、耐盐碱、矮秆陆地棉数量性状的遗传相关及主成份分析
A principal's character plays an important role in school management as it has a strong influence on the staff. 校长个性具有职业性、教育性、道德性、时代性等特征,它在学校管理活动中起着非常重要的作用。
Results obtained through principal component analysis ( PCA) show the ratio of information possessed by each character. 主成分分析初步反映了各性状所占的信息比例。
Through further analysing problem that conventional gas supply system apply to the AOD method and absorbing practice experience in production. This article makes a few principal technical improvements for realizing "three-high, three-low" techni-cal character in the AOD method. 本文通过对常规供气系统用于AOD法中存在的问题进一步分析研究,并吸取生产中的实践经验,作了几点原则性的技术改进,从而实现了AOD法三高、三低的技术特点。
The principal character of the tree's growth in the region is it's decline in the early growth stages. 该区刺槐槐生长的突出特点是过早衰退。
Human capital owner also has the principal qualification. The above typical character of software enterprises determines the difference between its contract and traditional enterprises 'contract. 软件企业典型特征决定了软件企业合约不同于传统企业合约的关键在于物质资本所有者不是被天然地授予了委托人资格。
Elaboration of Students 'Principal Part Character in Individualized Instruction 个别化教学中学生主体性作用的发挥
Demarcation line and principal character of steppe vegetation types in the eastern part of Ningxia 论草原区和荒漠草原区在宁夏东部的界限
Principal Component Analysis on Micrograph Character Parameters of Wood Transverse Section 木材横切面显微图像特征参数的主成分分析
Discussion on Modern Research of Basic Theory of Traditional Chinese Medicine& Thought of modern multi disciplinary study and persevering in principal character of TCM and pharmacology 三论中医基础理论之现代研究&关于坚持中医药学科的主体性与现代多学科研究的思考
Humanity and principal part are it most basic character. 人性化、主体化是其最基本的特征。
Based on the analysis of system and system analysis method, the definition, principal content and basic character of gray system analysis method are discussed at full length. 在分析系统及系统分析方法的基础上,详尽讨论了灰色系统分析方法的基本含义、主要内容及其基本特点;
Although perceptual education plays a leading role in aesthetic education and rational education is a principal part in moral character course, aesthetic education and moral education are interlinked on realizing the moral education target. 审美教育以感性教育为主,品德课教育以理性教育为主,审美教育和品德课教育在实现德育目标上是相通的。
On the basis of developing enterprising spirit, this paper discusses the functions of philosophy in developing principal character, speculative ability and critical spirit, and it also elaborates the significance of studying philosophy and strengthening the training of philosophical thinking. 围绕哲学培养创新精神,集中论述哲学在培养主体品格、思辩能力和批判精神方面的作用,阐述了学习哲学和加强哲学思维训练的意义。
Therefore, taking that as its logic clue, the system of classical philology can be formed by the four principal parts: its character and style, its research and usage, its coordination and compilation, its conservation and preservation. 以此为逻辑主线,构成古典文献学体系的四部分主体内容,即古典文献的特征与类型、古典文献的搜集与利用、古典文献的整理与编纂、古典文献的保存与保护。
The Principal and Character of GW Fiber Optic Pyrometer GW系列光纤高温计的工作原理及其特点
The Principal Character of Sandstorm in Shaanxi and Research on Its Forecasting 陕西沙尘暴的基本特征和预测研究
ICA ( Independent Component Analysis) that can extract the principal character of hybrid information efficiently is a new method that decomposes hybrid information into linear combinations of several statistical independent components. ICA(独立成分分析)是一种将混合信息分解为几个统计独立成分的线性组合的新方法,它能够有效地提取混合信息的主要特征。
Firstly, I describe the concept of traditional privacy, and elaborate the general theory about the concept principal character. 首先阐述传统隐私权概念、特征。
The performance of the community leader role dislocation include, the dislocation in responsibility outside role and responsibility role, the dislocation of the principal role and minor character, the dislocation of the new role and traditional role. 社区领导者角色的错位表现主要是职责内角色与职责外角色错位,主要角色与次要角色错位,新角色与传统角色错位。